My digital garden with Obsidian-Jekyll Workflow
Welcome to Jong Hoon’s digital garden
- This repository is created to run my digital garden which is sub-domain of where I post blogs and library.
What do I want from this?
- Following the Zettelkasten philosophy, this site will be used to record my learning history, stacking my own ideas, connecting different notes together, visualizing my thought-graph, and finally publish well-refined articles to my blog.
Below is the original from Max’s github for digital gardening newbies. You can build your own digiatal garden by following Max’s tutorial. Max wrote a tutorial explaining how to set it up: Setting up your own digital garden with Jekyll
Preview the template here:
- Based on Jekyll, a static website generator
- Supports Roam-style double bracket link syntax to other notes
- Creates backlinks to other notes automatically
- Features link previews on hover
- Includes graph visualization of the notes and their links
- Features a simple and responsive design
- Supports Markdown or HTML notes
- Added obsidian_images_generator plugin written by Meewgumi
Source code is available under the MIT license.