Data Structure and Algorithm Problems

Problem Progress

  Index Problem Statement Difficulty Solved Note Review
        60 60 1
1 Two Number Sum 🟩 1 1 1
2 Validate Subsequence 🟩 1 1  
3 Sorted Square Array 🟩 1 1  
4 Tournament Winner 🟩 1 1  
5 Non-Constructible Change 🟩 1 1  
6 Transpose Matrix 🟩 1 1  
7 Find Closest Value in BST 🟩 1 1  
8 Branch Sums 🟩 1 1  
9 Node Depths 🟩 1 1  
10 Evaluate Expression Tree 🟩 1 1  
11 Depth First Search 🟩 1 1  
12 Minimum Waiting Time 🟩 1 1  
13 Class Photos 🟩 1 1  
14 Tandem Bicycle 🟩 1 1  
15 Optimal Free lancing 🟩 1 1  
16 Remove Duplicates from Linked List 🟩 1 1  
17 Middle Node 🟩 1 1  
18 Nth Fibonacci 🟩 1 1  
19 Product Sum 🟩 1 1  
20 Binary Search 🟩 1 1  
21 Find Three Largest Numbers 🟩 1 1  
22 Bubble Sort 🟩 1 1  
23 Insertion Sort 🟩 1 1  
24 Selection Sort 🟩 1 1  
25 Palindrome Check 🟩 1 1  
26 Caesar Cipher Encryptor 🟩 1 1  
27 Run Length Encoding 🟩 1 1  
28 Common Character 🟩 1 1  
29 Generate Document 🟩 1 1  
30 First Non Repeating Character 🟩 1 1  
31 Semordnilap 🟩 1 1  
32 Three Number Sum 🟦 1 1  
33 Smallest Difference 🟦 1 1  
34 Move Element to End 🟦 1 1  
35 Monotonic Array 🟦 1 1  
36 Spiral Traverse 🟦 1 1  
37 Longest Peak 🟦 1 1  
38 Array of Products 🟦 1 1  
39 First Duplicate Value 🟦 1 1  
40 Merge Overlapping Intervals 🟦 1 1  
41 Best Seats 🟦 1 1  
42 Zero Sum Subarray 🟦 1 1  
43 Missing Numbers 🟦 1 1  
44 Majority Element 🟦 1 1  
45 Sweet And Savory 🟦 1 1  
46 BST Construction 🟦 1 1  
47 Validate BST 🟦 1 1  
48 BST Traversal 🟦 1 1  
49 Min Height BST 🟦 1 1  
50 Find Kth Largest Value In BST 🟦 1 1  
51 Reconstruct BST 🟦 1 1  
52 Invert Binary Tree 🟦 1 1  
53 Binary Tree Diameter 🟦 1 1  
54 Find Successor 🟦 1 1  
55 Height Balanced Binary Tree 🟦 1 1  
56 Merge Binary Trees 🟦 1 1  
57 Symmetrical Tree 🟦 1 1  
58 Split Binary Tree 🟦 1 1  
59 Max Subset Sum No Adjacent 🟦 1 1  
60 Number of Ways to Make Change 🟦 1 1  
61 Min Number of Coins for Change 🟦      
62 Levenshtein Distance 🟦      
63 Number of Ways To Traverse Graph 🟦      
64 Kadane’s Algorithm 🟦      
65 Stable Internships 🟦      
66 Union Find 🟦      
67 Single Cycle Check 🟦      
68 Breadth First Search 🟦      
69 River Sizes 🟦      
70 Youngest Common Ancestor 🟦      
71 Remove Islands 🟦      
72 Cycle In Graph 🟦      
73 Minimum Passes of Matrix 🟦      
74 Two-Colorable 🟦      
75 Task Assignment 🟦      
76 Valid Starting City 🟦      
77 Min Heap Construction 🟦      
78 Linked List Construction 🟦      
79 Remove Kth Node From End 🟦      
80 Sum of Linked Lists 🟦      
81 Merging Linked Lists 🟦      
82 Permutations 🟦      
83 Powerset 🟦      
84 Phone Number Mnemonics 🟦      
85 Staircase Traversal 🟦      
86 Blackjack Probability 🟦      
87 Reveal Minesweeper 🟦      
88 Search in Sorted matrix 🟦      
89 Three Number Sort 🟦      
90 Min Max Stack construction 🟦      
91 Balanced Brackets 🟦      
92 Sunset Views 🟦      
93 Best Digits 🟦      
94 Sort Stack 🟦      
95 Next Greater Element 🟦      
96 Reverse Polish Notation 🟦      
97 Colliding Asteroids 🟦      
98 Longest Panlindromic Substring 🟦      
99 Group Anagrams 🟦      
100 Valid IP Addresses 🟦      
101 Reverse Words In String 🟦      
102 Minimum Characters For Words 🟦      
103 One Edit 🟦      
104 Suffix Trie Construction 🟦      
105 Four Number Sum 🟥      
106 Subarray Sort 🟥      
107 Largest Range 🟥      
108 Min Rewards 🟥      
109 Zigzag Traverse 🟥      
  110 Longest Subarray With Sum 🟥      
  111 Knight Connection 🟥      
  112 Count Squares 🟥      
113 Same bsts 🟥      
114 Validate Three Nodes 🟥      
  115 Repair BST 🟥      
  116 Sum BSTs 🟥      
117 Max Path Sum In Binary Tree 🟥      
118 Find Nodes Distance K 🟥      
  119 Max Sum Increasing Subsequence 🟥      
120 Longest Common Subsequence 🟥      
121 Min Number of Jumps 🟥      
122 Water Area 🟥      
123 Knapsack Problem 🟥      
124 Disk Stacking 🟥      
125 Numbers in Pi 🟥      
126 Maximum Sum Submatrix 🟥      
  127 Maximize Expression 🟥      
  128 Dice Throws 🟥      
  129 Juice Bottling 🟥      
130 Dijkstra Algorithm 🟥      
131 Topological Sort 🟥      
  132 Kruskal’s Algorithm 🟥      
  133 Prim’s Algorithm 🟥      
134 Boggle Board 🟥      
  135 Largest Island 🟥      
136 Continuous Median 🟥      
137 Sort K Sorted Array 🟥      
138 Laptop Rentals 🟥      
139 Find Loop 🟥      
140 Reverse Linked List 🟥      
141 Merge Linked Lists 🟥      
142 Shift Linked Lists 🟥      
143 Lowest Common Manager 🟥      
  144 Interweaving Strings 🟥      
145 Solve Sudoku 🟥      
146 Generate Div Tags 🟥      
147 Ambiguous Measurements 🟥      
148 Shifted Binary Search 🟥      
149 Search For Range 🟥      
150 Quickselect 🟥      
151 Index Equals Value 🟥      
152 Quick Sort 🟥      
153 Heap Sort 🟥      
154 Radix Sort 🟥      
155 Shorten Path 🟥      
156 Largest Rectangle Under Skyline 🟥      
157 Longest Substring Without Duplication 🟥      
158 Underscorify Substring 🟥      
159 Pattern Matcher 🟥      
160 Multi String Search 🟥      
  161 Longest Most Frequent Prefix 🟥      
  162 Shortest Unique Prefixes 🟥      
163 Apartment Hunting      
164 Calendar Matching      
165 Waterfall Streams      
166 Minimum Area Rectangle      
167 Line Through Points      
168 Right Smaller Than      
169 Iterative Inorder Traversal      
170 Flatten Binary Tree      
171 Right Sibling Tree      
172 All Kinds of Node Depths      
173 Compare Leaf Traversal      
174 Max Profits With K Transactions      
175 Palindrome Partitioning Min Cuts      
176 Longest Increasing Subsequence      
177 Longest String Chain      
178 Square Of Zeroes      
  179 Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm      
180 A Star Algorithm      
  181 Rectangle Mania      
182 Detect Arbitrage      
  183 Two-Edge-Connected Graph      
184 Airport Connections      
185 Merge Sorted Arrays      
186 LRU Cache      
187 Rearrange Linked List      
188 Linked List Palindrome      
189 Zip Linked List      
190 Node Swap      
191 Number of Binary Tree Topologies      
192 Non Attacking Queens      
  193 Median Of Two Sorted Arrays      
  194 Optimal Assembly Line      
195 Merge Sort      
196 Count Inversions      
  197 Largest Park      
  198 Smallest Substring Containing      
199 Longest Balanced Substring      
  200 Strings Made Up Of Strings      

Lecture Progress

  Total 1st round
Array 15  
String 5  
Stack 7  
Hashmap 9  
Dynamic Programming 14  
BackTracking 11  
LinkedList 14  
Queue 6  
Tree 13  
Graph 9  
Heap 7  
Greedy 9  
Math Bit 6  
Sorting 10  


Notes Mentioning This Note

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